“The Soundscape of a Lockdown in 2:30 minutes” @Momus Experimental Center for the Arts

I was very happy that the soundscapes of Thessaloniki, which I had recorded during the lockdown of March-May 2020 was selected at the group exhibition “Together, so far so close” along with the works of 89 artists. The exhibition, which took place at Momus Experimental Center for the Arts, consisted of paintings, photographs, sculptures, videos, installations, books – all created during the period of the first lockdown in Greece. You may have an idea of the screening of the soundscape at the exhibition, here  

Together We Curate @ Momus Experimental Center for the Arts

After summer and just a few days before Thessaloniki went back into a new lockdown, I had the chance to take part at a collective curatorial project with artworks created during the suffocating lockdown atmosphere of March-May 2020. The curatorial project was called “Together we curate” and the 23 curators with different backgrounds each (artists, museologists, lawyer,  engineer etc.) had a very creative collaboration for 35 days organizing the exhibition “Together, so far so close” at Momus Experimental Center for the Arts. We had to choose among 460 pieces of art, set them in dialogue, find the central idea of the …

Group exhibition at Casa Bianca

It was really nice to participate at this group exhibition at the Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki with other artists of various art fields (painting, sculpture, photography, collage) of  “To Pikap Community“. To Pikap is one of the best cafe-bars in Thessaloniki an Olympou Street near the Roman Forum area. It also has a record store, holds mini radio concerts, has an online radio station and in a few words is a great place for art creation and presentation. I participated with my photograph “When the party’s over”. Duration of the exhibition: 3 March 2020 – 17 March 2020 Curators: …

Solo exhibition at Month of Photography in Livadeia

Στα πλαίσια του  Μήνα Φωτογραφίας 2019, που διοργάνωσε η Φωτογραφική Λέσχη Λειβαδιάς, παρουσιάστηκαν για πρώτη φορά φωτογραφίες μου από τη σειρά “We Could Be Heroes” στον Νερόμυλο Λιβαδειάς από τις 4/5 έως τις 10/5. Ο Γιάννης Λεμονής, πρόεδρος της ΦΛΛ, μίλησε για την έκθεση αλλά και για τις δράσεις που διοργανώνει η Λέσχη, https://youtu.be/ncv6bgOVVz0 ενώ και η sterea news έγραψε για τον Μήνα Φωτογραφίας Παρακάτω, παρουσιάζονται φωτογραφίες από την έκθεση (©Γιάννης Λεμονής / Μαρία Βόγγλη) όπως και ένα βίντεο από την προετοιμασία (©Μία Λάμπρου). Ταυτόχρονα, δουλεύω αυτό το υλικό και σε μορφή βιβλίου. Περισσότερα νέα για το dummy…προσεχώς!

Participation in a group exhibition in Berlin

Opening: 25 May 2018, at 18:00! Curator: Alexa Becker (Kehrer Verlag) Happy to participate at The Print Swap  show which will take place in Berlin @BERLIN BLUE art among photographers from 12 different countries with my photo: “From below”. “Just before turning home, I found myself under this piece of nylon used to protect the tablecloths from dust and dirt.  This view from below made me admire once again the urban settings and all these little things that compose the cityscape.”                                   PHOTOS OF THE OPENING: ⒸAgnieszka …

Exhibition at “Mythistoria” bookshop

Just a few days before saying goodbye to 2016, the legendary bookshop “Mythistoria” celebrated the night before Christmas with a photo exhibition of “Homes Sweet Homes” and a big party with vinyls playing all night long, drinks and friends! You can see photos from the event below!    

Photos from the exhibition of the Young Artists’ workshop in the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Based on Antonio Gramsci’s “Prison Notebooks” and the concept of “Romance”, 10 artists worked in Yeni Djami for 8 days in the context of the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art and focused artistically on its multiple readings. Here are some photos mostly from the opening of the exhibition. _Making preparations for the opening. _Virginia Μastrogiannaki and Original Replica having a deep conversation in front of original Replica’ s work. _Spectators watching Antigoni Theodorou’s performance. _Concept and video stills form Virginia Mastrogiannaki’s performance. _Photo from Nicolas Paradiselo ‘s work. _Photos from Sophia Tolika ‘s work. _Concept and photos of Ilias …

Young Artists’ workshop in the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Taking part in this Young Artists’ workshop has been an extremely interesting and tempting experience for me so far. First of all, the title of the workshop is “Romance” and our approach to the subject should have come from the book of Antonio Gramsci: “Prison Notebooks” (I am very happy that I found it and read it) written between 1929 and 1935, when Gramsi was imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime. Then, the people who are taking part formed a nicely diverse, creative, dynamic and funny team. We ‘ve laughed alot, discussed with each other and interacted perfectly. Areti Leopolou, …

Testimonials on “Homes Sweet Homes” in Tabya

During the exhibition of “Homes Sweet Homes” in Tabya last February, I left a book at the place for the visitors to write their impressions, feelings or thoughts about what they had just seen. When I am down, or feel insecure about what I am doing, this little book really cheers me up! Thank you all for your comments!