Co-capital exhibition

I am very happy to announce my new photographic exhibition together with photographer Kostis Argiriadis, named “Co-Capital” opening on Thursday 23.05.2024 at 20:00 at ESP gallery, Thessaloniki. As we are both graduates from E.S.P. Photography School, we are thrilled to show our work there curated by our teacher and mentor Manolis Skoufias. “Co-capital” is a collaborative photographic work which aims to provide commentary on our birthplace and current home, Thessaloniki. The color photos taken by me, interwine with the black and white photos taken by Kostis Argiriadis scrutinizing whether one of the city’s designated monikers, ‘Co-capital,’ accurately reflects its contemporary …

The “Soundscape of a Lockdown in 2:30 minutes” at Momus-Museum of Contemporary Art

From Friday 15/4 till 25/09/22, I am taking part at the modular exhibition “Public Domain” at MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki with my audio work “The soundscape of a lockdown in 2:30 minutes”. The exhibition includes the works of art obtained within three years since the establishment of the Organisation of Momus-Museums either by donors or by purchases for the permanent collection of the Museum. The exhibition is focusing on the collective and communicative character of contemporary art, beyond thematic and conceptual interpretations. The attitudes of contemporary artists remain polyphonic and allow a multidimensional visual approach of our time …


21 photobooks and dummies are presented at the bookstore of Μ.Ι.Ε.Τ. (the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Tsimiski 11, Thessaloniki) at the Group Exhibition of Thessaloniki Photobiennale “Photobook Boom/The Greek Case”. The books have been created during the last three years and represent the wide spectrum of the domestic self-publishing photobook community. Artists Mary Chairetaki, Panos Charalampidis, Anargyros Drolapas, Yiannis Hadjiaslanis, Haris Kakarouhas, Yorgos Karailias, Charalampos Kydonakis, Alexandra Masmanidi, Dimitris Mytas, Stefania Orfanidou, Athanasia Papadopoulou, Stylianos Papardelas, Antonia Petriti, Artemis Pyrpilis, Georges Salameh, Alexei Siozov, Dimitris Tairis, Sophia Tolika, Annie Tsevdomaria, Ania Vouloudi, Eva Voutsaki, Spyros Zervoudakis Curation: Alexandra …

The soundscape of a LOCKDOWN in 2:30 minutes

During the lockdown in Thessaloniki, I made some field recordings mostly from the balcony of my apartment, but also from other places at my neighborhood like the park, the streets and the seafront of Thessaloniki. Among the sounds that I recorded, were also the celebrations during the evening of Resurrection at Easter and the  day of the Orthodox Easter which all took place at he balconies of the flats. As I live by a very noisy and busy avenue, I recorded this huge change of the soundscape, as the sounds of cars and horns gradually were replaced by the songs …

Taking part in “Foinikas: A stroll in the city”

During the spring of 2019, three photographers (Yiannis Ioakeimidis, Aleka Tsironi, Michele Troiani) and I, were invited by Hercules Papaioannou to photograph the neighborhood of Foinikas in Thessaloniki. At the end, these photographs were edited by Mr. Papaioannou and the book “Foinikas: A stroll in the city” was published. Every year 4 photographers are called to have a “stroll in the city”at a particular place and make its photographic “portrait”, so that gradually the city of Thessaloniki gets documented by contemporary photographers. I really enjoyed taking part at this 8th issue, where I had the chance to explore this neighborhood and  …

Group exhibition at Casa Bianca

It was really nice to participate at this group exhibition at the Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki with other artists of various art fields (painting, sculpture, photography, collage) of  “To Pikap Community“. To Pikap is one of the best cafe-bars in Thessaloniki an Olympou Street near the Roman Forum area. It also has a record store, holds mini radio concerts, has an online radio station and in a few words is a great place for art creation and presentation. I participated with my photograph “When the party’s over”. Duration of the exhibition: 3 March 2020 – 17 March 2020 Curators: …

“Refugees, now and then” at the 13th Thessaloniki Book Fair

Trying to identify the meaning of the country, I made two slideshows in the context of the presentation of the new book of Vicky Tselepidou (“Αλεπού, αλεπού, τι ώρα είναι” / εκδόσεις Νεφέλη) at the 13th Thessaloniki Book Fair. The music I used was from Magnanimus trio.

Photos from the exhibition of the Young Artists’ workshop in the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Based on Antonio Gramsci’s “Prison Notebooks” and the concept of “Romance”, 10 artists worked in Yeni Djami for 8 days in the context of the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art and focused artistically on its multiple readings. Here are some photos mostly from the opening of the exhibition. _Making preparations for the opening. _Virginia Μastrogiannaki and Original Replica having a deep conversation in front of original Replica’ s work. _Spectators watching Antigoni Theodorou’s performance. _Concept and video stills form Virginia Mastrogiannaki’s performance. _Photo from Nicolas Paradiselo ‘s work. _Photos from Sophia Tolika ‘s work. _Concept and photos of Ilias …

Young Artists’ workshop in the 5th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Taking part in this Young Artists’ workshop has been an extremely interesting and tempting experience for me so far. First of all, the title of the workshop is “Romance” and our approach to the subject should have come from the book of Antonio Gramsci: “Prison Notebooks” (I am very happy that I found it and read it) written between 1929 and 1935, when Gramsi was imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime. Then, the people who are taking part formed a nicely diverse, creative, dynamic and funny team. We ‘ve laughed alot, discussed with each other and interacted perfectly. Areti Leopolou, …