Co-capital exhibition

I am very happy to announce my new photographic exhibition together with photographer Kostis Argiriadis, named “Co-Capital” opening on Thursday 23.05.2024 at 20:00 at ESP gallery, Thessaloniki. As we are both graduates from E.S.P. Photography School, we are thrilled to show our work there curated by our teacher and mentor Manolis Skoufias. “Co-capital” is a collaborative photographic work which aims to provide commentary on our birthplace and current home, Thessaloniki. The color photos taken by me, interwine with the black and white photos taken by Kostis Argiriadis scrutinizing whether one of the city’s designated monikers, ‘Co-capital,’ accurately reflects its contemporary …

Co-capital Zine is published!

Co-capital zine is finally published! The zine is a made by me and Kostis Argiriadis with the help of Yorgos Yatromanolakis and in collaboration with Zoetrope Athens. This zine comes as another – more artistic and experimental – edition or point of view of the concept of Co-capital described here. You may find more info and buy the zine if you like, here.    

Interview at A8inea

I was happy to answer to the questions of Maria Spanoudaki about photography, for the web magazine A8inea/Αθηνέα. You may read the interview here:    

Talk at Fotografiki Lesxi Livadias

On the 6th of May 2023, me and Kostis Argyriadis were invited by Fotografiki Lesxi Livadias to give a talk about our photographic work and to present our photobooks in the context of Photography Month of Livadia. It was a very pleasant night with an interesting discussion on photography and photobooks. Thank you all for joining the event and thanks to Fotografiki Lesxi Livadias for the invitation. All photos ©Maria Voggli


On Friday 17.03.23 I gave a speech at IEK ESP in Thessaloniki, where I presented all my work in the fields of photography, video, sound and photobooks from 2005 till now. I focused more on the creative process that I follow rather than showing you a “best of” my work and I really enjoyed that you came and paged through the dummies and the photobooks that I had brought. Thank so much for coming! ©MariaTolika ©Eleni Karathanasi ©Eleni Karathanasi ©Eleni Karathanasi ©MariaTolika ©MariaTolika


From February 9 to April 30 I am taking part with 4 photographs in the exhibition “Down to Earth” -a collective proposal by the MOMus curators’ team- in the context of the 8th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art. The exhibition presents the works of contemporary Greek visual artists, who, through different means and perspectives, propose a show focused on the values and processes of the earth itself. Art returns to nature, attempting to contribute to the formation of new ways of thinking and being, in order to become a fertile field for an alternative view of the world and for a …

‘Looking for the Light’ in Athens

The exhibition “Looking for the Light” of Photometria Festival where I take part with my picture “The escape of Philoctetes” is presented at Melanithros art space in Athens till the 3rd of December. You may visit it from Tuesday to Friday from 17:30 – 21:00 and Saturdays from 11:00 – 14:30. Melanithros | Art Space Zappa 4, 11635 Kallimarmaro, Athens, Greece | QR Τ +30 2103636904 l


I was really excited to take part in the 14th Photometria Festival this year in ‘Looking for the light’ exhibition judged by Martin Parr! 25 out of 1000 photos were selected and exhibited outdoors at Ioannina Town Hall. From my part, the photo that made it was a photo of my son taken at Philoctetes cave in the island of Lemnos back in 2017. Info of the exhibition: Ioannina City Hall (outdoor area) Duration: 24.9 – 28.10.2022 You may see some photos of the exhibition here!  


  I am really happy to be included in the 25 finalists among over 1000 submissions of “Looking for the Light” open call of Photometria International Festival in Ioannina. The judge was Martin Parr and my winning photo is one that I had taken in the cave of Philoctetes in Limnos, 2017. I will be very happy to see you on the weekend of 24-25/9 in the beautiful city of Ioannina and visit together lectures and exhibitions if you like!   “Looking for the Light”, Photometria Awards 2022   Participating:   Daria Tsygankova – “The dark knight”, Akis Pasalidis – “Untitled”, Noemi Comi …

A photo of MUNDUS as a Cassette cover

I am very happy when my photos are used in a way that I had never imagined before! This time, a photo of MUNDUS was used as a cassette cover for Savvas Metaxas album “Music for Dance Performance” which includes the music for the choreography/action ‘who knows where time goes – potential destination #1′. I really loved the trippy music, the playful pink tape and the happy octopus on it! You may listen to the music or buy the tape here: “Music for Dance Performance” Released June 17, 2022 / edition of 50 Music : Savvas Metaxas ( Photography …