Taking part in “Foinikas: A stroll in the city”

During the spring of 2019, three photographers (Yiannis Ioakeimidis, Aleka Tsironi, Michele Troiani) and I, were invited by Hercules Papaioannou to photograph the neighborhood of Foinikas in Thessaloniki. At the end, these photographs were edited by Mr. Papaioannou and the book “Foinikas: A stroll in the city” was published. Every year 4 photographers are called to have a “stroll in the city”at a particular place and make its photographic “portrait”, so that gradually the city of Thessaloniki gets documented by contemporary photographers. I really enjoyed taking part at this 8th issue, where I had the chance to explore this neighborhood and  …

Group exhibition at Casa Bianca

It was really nice to participate at this group exhibition at the Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki with other artists of various art fields (painting, sculpture, photography, collage) of  “To Pikap Community“. To Pikap is one of the best cafe-bars in Thessaloniki an Olympou Street near the Roman Forum area. It also has a record store, holds mini radio concerts, has an online radio station and in a few words is a great place for art creation and presentation. I participated with my photograph “When the party’s over”. Duration of the exhibition: 3 March 2020 – 17 March 2020 Curators: …

Workshop on photobooks with Moritz Neumüller

Last week I found my self in Athens at Onassis Foundation (Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών), where I followed the workshop of Moritz Neumüller about photobooks, (self-)publishing and visual narratives. People who also followed the workshop were photographers who were working on their projects, so we saw each other’s work and we had very interesting discussions and commenting about them. We also had a look at many photobooks that were published this year and took a lot inspiration by looking through them. Moritz was very friendly and helpful and we had interesting conversations about the art world today, the boom of the photobook, …

Participation at ‘Postcards from Home’ net

I am really happy that I have participated at ‘Postcards from home’ artistic community creating my own postcard about about what home means to me and presenting some of my pictures of ‘Homes Sweet Homes’ at the instagram page of this network. “Postcards from home” is an international artistic community that uses the concept of home as a stimulus for reflection and creation and brings together local communities, refugees and artists to reflect, create and share a postcard on the idea of HOME.  At a time when migration is a daily event globally, we are returning to the concept of home, and …

Solo exhibition at Month of Photography in Livadeia

Στα πλαίσια του  Μήνα Φωτογραφίας 2019, που διοργάνωσε η Φωτογραφική Λέσχη Λειβαδιάς, παρουσιάστηκαν για πρώτη φορά φωτογραφίες μου από τη σειρά “We Could Be Heroes” στον Νερόμυλο Λιβαδειάς από τις 4/5 έως τις 10/5. Ο Γιάννης Λεμονής, πρόεδρος της ΦΛΛ, μίλησε για την έκθεση αλλά και για τις δράσεις που διοργανώνει η Λέσχη, https://youtu.be/ncv6bgOVVz0 ενώ και η sterea news έγραψε για τον Μήνα Φωτογραφίας Παρακάτω, παρουσιάζονται φωτογραφίες από την έκθεση (©Γιάννης Λεμονής / Μαρία Βόγγλη) όπως και ένα βίντεο από την προετοιμασία (©Μία Λάμπρου). Ταυτόχρονα, δουλεύω αυτό το υλικό και σε μορφή βιβλίου. Περισσότερα νέα για το dummy…προσεχώς!

Interview at photologio.gr

Από τον Bowie και τον Roland Barthes μέχρι τον Winogrand και τον Wim Wenders, είχαμε μια πολύ όμορφη κουβέντα με την Εύη Καφίρη για το περιοδικό photologio! (κλικ στη φωτό)  


Την Παρασκευή 18 και το Σάββατο 19/1/19 ήμουν προσκεκλημένη από τον Φωτογραφικό Όμιλο Καβάλας και από τη Φωτογραφική Ομάδα Κομοτηνής αντίστοιχα, για να παρουσιάσω το μέχρι στιγμής φωτογραφικό έργο μου. Ήταν μια πολύ καλή ευκαιρία για να συγκεντρώσω όλο μου το υλικό, από το ξεκίνημα με την ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία, τα χρόνια στην e.s.p., τη στροφή στην έγχρωμη φωτογραφία, το πέρασμα στο φιλμ, στο βίντεο, στο φωτογραφικό βιβλίο. Έδειξα επίσης αρκετές work in progress φωτογραφικές σειρές, όπως και αδημοσίευτο υλικό. Ευχαριστώ τα παιδιά των ομίλων και το κοινό για τη ζεστή υποδοχή και την απίστευτη φιλοξενία και χαίρομαι πάρα πολύ που …

New film: 9 known stories

The short film “9 known stories” is about stories that mostly have a picture frame as their starting point. Through motion and sound, they each develop into a narrative within a strict 30-second time limit. Inspired by Japanese haiku poetry, the stories constitute fragments of time which derive from everyday details that are usually overlooked. These stories become intertwined under a loose regime, creating a holistic and suggestive atmosphere. PS: I will make a trailer…soon! In the mean time you can see some of the photos at Cue productions with Yanis Mavridis taking care of the sound of it! Cross …

Band Photo Shoot: The Fog Ensemble

Last month I had a photo shoot of the music band “The Fog Ensemble” at my hometown, Thessaloniki, for their new album “Throbs”. I took some photos of them at my neighborhood, Depot, near the building of Allatini and behind the parking of Poseidonio. After some days, we had another photo shoot near that place, but at night. I was really happy for that collaboration, because these guys are really cool and their music is so dirty and strong! You can listen to their song “Lighthouse” from their album “Throbs” which is coming out by Inner Ear Records on the …