MUNDUS at Radar Photo Festival in Italy

Photobook MUNDUS was selected at Radar Photo Festival by Francesca Todde and exhibited at the book fair at the historic Auditorium San Luigi in Trani, Italy. (Photos are downloaded from Radar Photo Festival Facebook page)

Talk at the Center for Creative Photography of Thraki

I was very happy to be invited and present my photographic work (unfortunately through the web because of the pandemic) at the Center for Creative Photography of Thraki – Κέντρο Δημιουργικής Φωτογραφίας Θράκης on March, 8. After the presentation, followed a conversation about photography, photobooks, social media and photography and other interesting subjects.

We Change the Picture

I was very happy to take part in the action “WeChangeThePicture”, in which 21 female photographers stood against violence, sexism, conservatism and inequality to show our support towards all women by granting a piece of photography art. All the income from the sales went directly to the Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (CRWI) “Diotima”, which provides legal and mental support to women who are brave enough to speak out. The action took place on March 2021 for 14 days and was very successful. Thank you all for your support!

The book “Homes Sweet Homes” is sold out

Almost 4 years after its publication, the book “Homes Sweet Homes” is finally sold out. Thank you all for your support. I have almost finished my new book and I hope to get it published in the beginning of 2021. Stay tuned!

“The Soundscape of a Lockdown in 2:30 minutes” @Momus Experimental Center for the Arts

I was very happy that the soundscapes of Thessaloniki, which I had recorded during the lockdown of March-May 2020 was selected at the group exhibition “Together, so far so close” along with the works of 89 artists. The exhibition, which took place at Momus Experimental Center for the Arts, consisted of paintings, photographs, sculptures, videos, installations, books – all created during the period of the first lockdown in Greece. You may have an idea of the screening of the soundscape at the exhibition, here  

Together We Curate @ Momus Experimental Center for the Arts

After summer and just a few days before Thessaloniki went back into a new lockdown, I had the chance to take part at a collective curatorial project with artworks created during the suffocating lockdown atmosphere of March-May 2020. The curatorial project was called “Together we curate” and the 23 curators with different backgrounds each (artists, museologists, lawyer,  engineer etc.) had a very creative collaboration for 35 days organizing the exhibition “Together, so far so close” at Momus Experimental Center for the Arts. We had to choose among 460 pieces of art, set them in dialogue, find the central idea of the …

“Homes Sweet Homes” at Luminous Eye Zine #03

“Homes Sweet Homes” was published at the Luminous Eye Zine #03. Luminous Eye publishes online bimonthly Luminous Eye Zine which presents the trends of contemporary photography and hosts interesting photographic projects. You can have a look at it here and in the same issue you will find the very interesting portfolios of Eleni Rimantonaki, Maurizio Leonardi, Mary Michou.  

“Postcards that you would never send” at Luminous Eye “Invited Photographers”

“Postcards that you would never send” was featured at Luminous Eye website at the section of Invited Photographers. You can find the online presentation here . Luminous eye is a photography-focused art space, a collective project by Gerontakos Vassilis, Haris Kakarouhas, Evi Karagiannidi, Ekaterini Karanika and Pavlos Pavlidis which offers a wide range of activities including exhibitions, presentations, workshops, talks, publications, and collaborations with international photography galleries and photographers in a modern multipurpose environment  with a small café and an up-to-date selection of books and magazines for visitors to browse.

The soundscape of a LOCKDOWN in 2:30 minutes

During the lockdown in Thessaloniki, I made some field recordings mostly from the balcony of my apartment, but also from other places at my neighborhood like the park, the streets and the seafront of Thessaloniki. Among the sounds that I recorded, were also the celebrations during the evening of Resurrection at Easter and the  day of the Orthodox Easter which all took place at he balconies of the flats. As I live by a very noisy and busy avenue, I recorded this huge change of the soundscape, as the sounds of cars and horns gradually were replaced by the songs …

Being creative during lockdown

It’s been almost a month since Greece has been in the state of lockdown due to the pandemic of COVID-19. This new situation was a big shock to me and I am really worried about everyone losing his job or having to work at this so hard situation and of course about the victims which grow all over the world. As I stay at home with my son, I try to see the bright side of the lockdown simply by being creative. I suddenly found time to observe things more clearly and to work on my photographic plans which I could …