Sound Photography – Cities and Memory

“What is the relationship between photography and sound? In today’s visually-dominated culture, how can we use sound to respond to what we see around us? ” – Cities and Memory ©2018            I was thrilled to take part in this worldwide artistic interaction project between sound and photography by Cities and Memory  with 2 of my photographs on which 2 sound artists created their sonic composition. Diego Ayal from France wrote the music piece for my photo “Der Mann” and Nicolas Tep from Mexico wrote the music piece for “Ways to Worries”. More than 160 photographers and sound artists from …

Participation in a group exhibition in Berlin

Opening: 25 May 2018, at 18:00! Curator: Alexa Becker (Kehrer Verlag) Happy to participate at The Print Swap  show which will take place in Berlin @BERLIN BLUE art among photographers from 12 different countries with my photo: “From below”. “Just before turning home, I found myself under this piece of nylon used to protect the tablecloths from dust and dirt.  This view from below made me admire once again the urban settings and all these little things that compose the cityscape.”                                   PHOTOS OF THE OPENING: ⒸAgnieszka …

“Σασα”, the book, is published

“Σάσα” is the story of a young woman and her close friend through the years, written in just one day. It started initially as an intimate text, a reaction at a shocking situation, a confession. Later on, in order to draw the whole atmosphere of this friendship, it started being enriched with pictures of things and situations that these two women, me and her, had lived together. “Σάσα” became an attempt to combine text with photography, photography with text, trying to see how these two different languages can work together as a whole without overlapping one another. But “Σάσα” is …

Talk at the Photography Center of Thessaloniki

On the 8th of May I was invited by the Photography Center of Thessaloniki to talk about my work mostly including photography, the moving image, photography book and lomography from the beginning till now. It was a very pleasant night with an interesting discussion almost about everything I presented at a very cosy place, cafe Bazaar, in Thessaloniki. All the details about my talk and what I presented, are here. Photos by Stavros Stamatiou.

Interview at lifo

I talked about photography and my life to Vaggelis Makris – you may read the interview I gave for lifo magazine here

Exhibition at “Mythistoria” bookshop

Just a few days before saying goodbye to 2016, the legendary bookshop “Mythistoria” celebrated the night before Christmas with a photo exhibition of “Homes Sweet Homes” and a big party with vinyls playing all night long, drinks and friends! You can see photos from the event below!    

“Homes Sweet Homes”, the book, is published

Το “Homes Sweet Homes” θα κυκλοφορήσει επισήμως το Σάββατο, στις 22 Οκτωβρίου στο “Το Πικάπ”, Ολύμπου 57, Θεσσαλονίκη, στις 19:00. Σπίτι μου σπιτάκι μου και σπιτοκαλυβάκι μου, λέει μια παλιά ελληνική παροιμία. Η λέξη «σπίτι» κατάγεται από τη μεσαιωνική ελληνική λέξη ὁσπίτιον (hospitium στη λατινική) που σημαίνει δωμάτιο, σπιτικό, πατρίδα, ξενώνας, κατοικία, οικογένεια. Οικογένεια: σύνθετη λέξη από το αρχαιοελληνικό οίκος και το επίσης αρχαιοελληνικό ρήμα γίγνομαι. Στη φωτογραφική σειρά “Homes Sweet Homes” επιχειρείται μια φωτογραφική προσέγγιση του οικείου, του κοινότoπου που συναντά κανείς στο σπίτι του, σε σπίτια φίλων, οικογενειακές συγκεντρώσεις, σπίτια που ζούσε παλαιότερα και τώρα έχουν εγκαταλειφθεί. Υπάρχει …