Being creative during lockdown

It’s been almost a month since Greece has been in the state of lockdown due to the pandemic of COVID-19. This new situation was a big shock to me and I am really worried about everyone losing his job or having to work at this so hard situation and of course about the victims which grow all over the world. As I stay at home with my son, I try to see the bright side of the lockdown simply by being creative. I suddenly found time to observe things more clearly and to work on my photographic plans which I could hardly do when I was living during the old, “normal” way.

Since I don’t have a studio, I used my kitchen’s wall as a place to edit my photos for an upcoming dummy. My idea is to correlate visually, the world of soils and materials with the world of space and universe. Since I have started to think about it, I ‘ve been studying alot about the universe, searching at websites, watching documentaries and collecting archiving pictures found on the internet. No matter what will happen next, all this scientific field is so exciting!

I also found time to finally archive my analog photos taken with my HOLGA lomo camera and shape better my portfolio “Postcards that you would never send”, which I ‘ve been working on during the last 13 years.